Brisbane, Australia

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Wednesday Morning Teams (August 2024)
6 rounds of 9 boards. Directors: Julie Jeffries & Jo Neary

Results after 6 of 6 matches
Place Team (click here to show names) Imps VPs W‑D‑LRed pts
1 LAMPORT (1)121 90.285-0-12.05
2 KENT (3)63 78.825-0-11.70
3 CLIFFORD (2)56 75.854-0-21.30
4 NILSSON (4)39 71.994-0-21.10
5 MULCAHY (7)27 67.053-0-30.54
6 GASKILL (9)22 63.482-1-30.45
7 PORTER (8)-49 46.912-1-30.45
8 ACWORTH (5)-57 45.342-0-40.36
9 CASEY (6)-105 36.522-0-40.36
10 SAPWELL (10)-117 23.760-0-6  
Masterpoints are provisional until approved.

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