Brisbane, Australia

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GNOT QUALIFYING Heat 2 (May 2023)
6 matches at 9 boards per match

Results after 6 of 6 matchesMatch Imps (click to show VPs)Totals
Place CatTeam M1M2M3M4M5M6   Imps VPs W‑D‑LGold pts
1 HALE (2)24 -8 29 19 9 0  73 81.254-1-11.62
2 GISSING (10)-24 3 25 13 30 17  64 79.445-0-11.80
3 C LOVELL (6)28 10 27 -19 1 16  63 78.644-1-11.62
4 FAWCETT (9)31 -10 -29 1 32 17  42 71.043-1-21.26
5 C PEREIRA (12)16 8 0 19 -1 -17  25 68.283-2-11.44
6 C BREWIS (15)12 10 0 -13 14 0  23 68.053-2-11.44
7 SKEATE (3)11 37 -27 13 -9 -17  8 61.083-0-31.08
8 HAMILTON (5)12 -10 23 -19 10 -16  0 59.783-0-31.08
9 C SHARP (11)-11 -12 36 28 -30 -3  8 59.372-0-40.72
10 C SYDES (16)-4 12 -23 -1 -4 14  -6 58.522-1-30.90
11 WOTHERSPOON (1)-31 25 -13 22 -14 3  -8 57.603-0-31.08
12 SCRIVENS (4)-16 -3 -19 -22 26 11  -23 52.242-0-40.72
13 STRUTTON (7)-12 4 13 -13 -10 -14  -32 49.072-0-40.72
14 C PALETHORPE (13)-12 -4 -25 8 4 -11  -40 47.672-0-40.72
15 GASKILL (8)4 -37 19 -28 -32 0  -74 42.292-1-30.90
16 C DEVINE (14)-28 -25 -36 -8 -26 0  -123 25.680-1-50.18
Masterpoints are provisional until approved.

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