Brisbane, Australia

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6 rounds of 9 boards. Directors: Julie Jeffries & Jo Neary. C=Contending Team

Results after 6 of 6 matchesMatch Imps (click to show VPs)Totals
Place CatTeam M1M2M3M4M5M6   Imps VPs W‑D‑LGold pts
1 HALE (1)17 28 2 19 33 31  130 96.846-0-02.16
2 C PEREIRA (5)-5 20 43 -19 37 9  85 80.474-0-21.44
3 MCGOWAN (9)-10 -23 29 5 -1 42  42 68.733-1-21.26
4 TRACEY (3)-17 23 -43 -14 49 43  41 66.593-0-31.08
5 LOVELL (2)10 -10 19 -22 -9 45  33 66.063-0-31.08
6 CLIFFORD (6)3 -20 54 22 -33 8  34 66.044-0-21.44
7 MALES (11)-9 36 -13 23 1 -9  29 65.192-1-30.90
8 FAWCETT (10)17 10 -2 17 -37 -8  -3 61.723-0-31.08
9 GISSING (4)9 -13 -19 14 -11 25  5 60.923-0-31.08
10 NEARY (12)5 13 13 -17 9 -31  -8 60.394-0-21.44
11 C SAXBY (8)-17 5 11 -23 11 -42  -55 47.703-0-31.08
12 WILLIAMS (7)18 -28 -11 -5 -2 -25  -53 44.121-0-50.36
13 WEBSTER (13)-3 -36 -29 52 2 -43  -57 42.912-0-40.72
14 C GRINLAUBS (14)-18 -5 -54 -52 -49 -45  -223 12.320-0-6  
Masterpoints are provisional until approved.

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